Netherlands: Imam training leads to disagreement among Muslims

Imam training at the InHolland college in Amsterdam is leading to a rift between the different Muslim groups. Diyanet, a Turkish organization representing 130 mosques, withdrew at the last minute.

Two liberal groups, CGI and SIK, are furious that they couldn’t join. The imam course is supported by a number of Sunni organization that belong to CMO and that represent 200 mosques.

CGI is upset at Minister Verdonk. Hikmat Mahawat Khan, the president says it was his initiative. However, when problems arose between CMO and CGI, CGI got the boot. According to him: “How is it possible that this gov’t is always going on about the liberal voice of Muslims, and is now cooperating in killing it off?”

SIK is also upset, saying this is the second time Verdonk “beheads liberal Islam”. The first time by recognizing the ‘intolerant and fundamentalist’ CMO, and now by letting them take over imam education.

Verdonk thinks the establishment of imam education is “an historic event for the Netherlands and Europe” and calls on Muslim organizations to come up with suggestions for imam courses.

Related Articles:
Muslim organizations fighting over imam appointments - CMO and CGI fighting over who is to provide imams for the Dutch army.

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